Learning Experiences

Joanna Chen

After going to the bank, I learned quite a bit. I didn't know that the workers had to arrive earlier than the time the bank opens to have a meeting every morning and that every bank had to have certain goals for the day. I only thought about what each customer gained from the bank and not what the banks gained from the customer. 

Megan Young

After going to the bank, I learned some things about the inside work done in a bank. I have never really thought about how a bank, or the employee of a bank, would benefit from making sales, I only thought of the customers experience. Now I know that banks have a lot of work to do, to not only make sale, but to keep a customer as well.

Emily Russell

I learned a lot from visiting the bank. We learn about banks and all these positions in class, but it just doesn't seem real until you are there. I got to see the chaos that goes on into running a bank and how a half an hour interview can disrupt everyone that enters the bank. We also got to hear all the positions from the perspective of a manager who is in charge of making sure everybody is doing their jobs correctly. I also learned that everybody needs to do their jobs correctly in order to successfully run a great business.

Adam Forbes

I learned from this project is how to research something efficiently in a small amount of time. The daily life of a bank employee is a lot more work and stressful than I previously thought. Also the bank offers services that i did not know about. This project also showed me what we can accomplish as a team. 

Carl Miller

When I went into the bank I didn't know quite what to expect from the interview. But after the interview my whole perspective on banking has changed. What I used to think of as a outdated and simple practice has turned out to be quite the complicated process. I called the bank a week ahead of time to schedule the interview and people still needed to talk to the manager during our short interview. I also learned that each bank is ran differently, depending on the manager. Finally, I learned how to work better as a team and how one person slacking off could create a chaotic situation. 

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